ShockIt Pocket

This project was created as part of the coursework for a Digital Prototyping unit at the University of Queensland. We were tasked with the objective to find an issue in the world that we care about and design a solution. I decided on looking into a way to help with the reporting of sexual harassment. My idea was to have a pin connected to a card that you could attach to your clothing. Then when there is contact detected of over 0.7 seconds, the pin would give the perpetrator an electric shock. It would also record the time and location of the incident and start a incident report on the connected app with these details already filled in. The app would also store the history of all incidents.

As the course was based around prototyping, I created a "kickstarter-style" video, a digital prototype (showcased to the left), and a physical prototype to connect to the digital one using Makey Makey and unity. Each prototype required a testing session (shown to the left) and statement of delivery.